May Meeting Details

Posted by jpm on April 28, 2006

Here are the May meeting details:

  • Rick Mason will host a presentation with an introduction to PHP programming, including the proper handling form variables, and basic syntax constructs. This is a perfect session for those group members that are just beginning with PHP, and would like some help in getting up to speed!
  • Marc Mojica will do a session on Security best practices for PHP programming. That will include going over the basic problems of trusting user input from forms, ways to avoid XSS vulnerabilities. If you have a question on security, bring it in and let’s discuss with the group.
  • We will also have the usual Tips & Tricks session at the end of the meeting, with tips on the latest tools and tricks related to web development, such as interesting PHP libraries, FireFox extensions, MySQL administration tools and more. If you have anything cool that you would like to refer to the group, please let me know at

If you are interested in joining us, please feel free to RSVP on our Meetup groups at the following links:

The Meeting location details and driving directions are also available. Hope to see all of you in there!


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