Speakers Wanted 1

Posted by jpm on November 12, 2006

As it is usual for our group, every month we have presentations about topics related to Web development and PHP and MySQL in particular. We usually have two presentations, one about libraries, practices or tricks on how to improve your productivity and another presentation on actual tools, such as IDEs and database administration tools.

If you have an idea for a session for an upcoming meeting, send it over! Presentations don’t need to be complicated affairs, and two-way sharing of ideas and experiences is the goal.

Get in touch through a comment if you wish to participate.


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  1. Kathy Dreyer Tue, 12 Jan 2010 16:39:14 GMT-0500

    A colleague of mine, Mike Giles, gives a very interesting presentation about IT risk assessment. He is interested in widening his exposure and asked me to research speaking venues for him. If your group would be interested in his presentation, please contact me for more information.

    Kathy Dreyer
    713-269-2569 mobile
